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How to Create a Comparison
How to Create a Comparison
James Balansag avatar
Written by James Balansag
Updated over a week ago

Say goodbye to reporting on your accounts one by one. Use our new and improved Comparisons to make reporting faster than ever.

When would I use comparisons?

We're glad you asked. Do you ever need to report on how your brand/client accounts are performing per platform? Or benchmark your social profiles against your competitors? What about understanding the overall performance of each of your influencer accounts? If you said yes to any of these, Comparisons is the place for you.

Simply hover and click 'compare this profile' on the trackers you'd like included in the comparison, then, click 'Compare' at the top. It's as easy as that!

Once you're in the report, click on 'Edit' to edit the title and color of the comparison. You can also add or remove certain trackers from the comparison within the popup.

Where can I find my comparisons?

Once saved, your comparison will live here under the 'Comparisons' tab.

Within this section you will have access to:

'Edit Comparison' is for updating the title, color, or trackers included within an existing comparison.

'Delete Comparison' is for you to delete the comparison. This will not delete your tracker. 

'Create Comparison' is to add a new comparison from your existing trackers.

'Compare Comparisons' is for you to compare your saved comparisons against each other.

Note: If you would like this feature, please contact [email protected]

Finally, you will notice your social profile trackers have been tagged with a link directly to the comparison from the 'All Profiles' section.

Note: The same tracker can be added to different comparisons.

Happy Comparing!

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